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Ambien Overdose: Signs, Symptoms, and How to Help

Ambien Overdose: Signs, Symptoms, and How to Help

While considered safe when used as intended, Ambien use should only be short-term. Using this drug longer than a few weeks can lead to physical dependence and addiction. Additionally, increased dosages combined with alcohol or other substances pose a risk of Ambien overdose.

Ambien is a non-benzodiazepine hypnotic medication. Ambien can promote drowsiness and sleep by reducing brain activity. It is most commonly prescribed to address difficulty falling asleep and other forms of insomnia.

Can You Overdose on Ambien?

Overdose on Ambien can happen when the medication is taken in excess. Sometimes, the overdose is accidental when extra doses are taken by mistake. Unfortunately, Ambien has been known as a misused drug and associated consequences can be dangerous.

In severe cases, an overdose of Ambien can result in respiratory depression, leading to a lack of oxygen and possibly death. Ambien overdose is hazardous if mixed with other substances like alcohol, opioids, or other sedative medications.

How Much Ambien Can Cause an Overdose?

The amount of Ambien that can cause an overdose varies based on body weight, age, tolerance, and whether it’s combined with other substances like alcohol or sedatives. Generally speaking, a typical prescribed dosage is 5-10mg. Dosages exceeding 10mg increase the risk of adverse effects, particularly in sensitive or elderly consumers.

Doses exceeding 50–100 mg can result in more serious symptoms, such as severe sedation, respiratory depression, or even a coma. While there is no universally defined lethal dose of Ambien, combining the drug with alcohol or other central nervous system, depressants can increase the risks associated with Ambien and affect how long the drug stays in your system

Symptoms of an Ambien Overdose

An Ambien overdose can look different between individuals, with symptoms varying based on the dosage consumed, the health and body mass of the person, and how long the medication was used.

Common Ambien overdose symptoms include the following:

  • Extreme drowsiness or difficulty waking up
  • Confusion or disorientation
  • Memory loss
  • Impaired mental function or hallucinations
  • Slowed or irregular breathing
  • Loss of consciousness or coma
  • Slowed heart rate
  • Dizziness or weakness due to low blood pressure
  • Significant loss of coordination or balance
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Unusual behaviors like agitation, aggression, or engaging in activities without full awareness (e.g., sleepwalking, sleep-driving)
  • Seizures (less common occurrence and primarily occur in individuals with a history of seizure disorders)

Ambien overdose symptoms can mimic other types of intoxication or overdose–alcohol can cause similar symptoms. Combining Ambien with alcohol intensifies the experience and heightens the overall risk of overdose.

What to Do About An Ambien Overdose

If an overdose is suspected, immediate medical help is necessary. Ambien overdose can be fatal, especially when combined with alcohol, opioids, or other sedatives.

  1. Call emergency services (911) immediately and inform the responders about the suspected Ambien overdose.
  2. If possible, keep the person awake and conscious and stay with them until help arrives.
  3. Do not give the person any more drugs or alcohol.
  4. Ensure the person is in a safe place where they cannot harm themselves.

Ambien Overdose Risks

When Ambien is taken in prescribed amounts that are appropriate for the individual and used short-term, the risk of overdose is relatively low. Risks increase, however, when alcohol and other substances are used concurrently or if tolerance builds due to long-term use.

People who have a substance use history may be more likely to misuse Ambien. What starts as harmless use of medication can spiral out of control, particularly if addiction issues are already part of your life. It can also cause withdrawal symptoms when someone stops taking the drug. 

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Ambien Addiction Treatment at Vogue Recovery Center

While medications like Ambien are commonly prescribed for sleep issues, it has the potential to cause harm if misused. There can be a slim margin of error, increasing the risk of overdose, and over time, addiction can take over your life as your tolerance for the drug increases. Fortunately, Vogue has Ambien addiction treatment programs that can help. 

Vogue Recovery Centers provide evidence-based treatment for addiction and co-occurring disorders. We draw on a blend of approaches. You can participate in individual and group therapy and experiential and trauma-focused therapy. Our treatment facilities are staffed with expert addiction treatment professionals and are home-like and welcoming.

At Vogue Recovery Centers, you will benefit from a full continuum of care that includes several levels of care:

  • Inpatient (residential) rehab
  • Partial hospitalization programs (PHP)
  • Intensive outpatient programs (IOP)
  • Outpatient programs and therapy
  • Aftercare planning and relapse prevention

Seeking Help for Ambien Addiction

If you or a loved one are ready to take steps toward long-term recovery, contact Vogue Recovery Center today. Our admission specialists will help you learn more about what programs are available and appropriate for your individual needs. With proper guidance and person-centered support, you can feel hopeful that your life can improve. Our treatment programs for drugs and alcohol can help you turn your life around. If you have questions about paying for treatment or how behavioral health works, contact our admissions team today. Substance abuse treatment starts with just one call. Don’t let drug or alcohol addiction control your life any longer; call Vogue Recovery Center today!

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Our admissions team is available 24/7 to listen to your story and help you get started with the next steps.

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